Please note test results can take up to two weeks.
We will usually send a text if they are normal and will contact you by phone or text if the results are abnormal. The quickest and easiest way to check if your test results are back is to log in to your online account. Your results will appear once the results have been reviewed by your GP or clinician.
General Information about Test results
As part of the care we deliver to you, our team may ask that you have a blood test, swab, ultrasound, X ray or other test. Some tests such as blood tests for people over 16, we can do here at the surgery, some may need you to go to other places.
Once we receive your sample we will send the sample to the lab for processing. This can take up to two weeks for the results to come back and your doctor or clinician to review your case.
Once you receive your result and your symptoms persist or get worse then please complete a Klinik form and a member of our clinical team will be in touch.
Please note that we have a strict policy regarding confidentiality and data protection. We will only give test results to the person they relate to unless that person has given prior written permission for their release.
To access your results online please follow the instructions below
- You can use your Systmonline account (or the Airmid app) and access the results from there. Please note that results are only available once the doctor has reviewed them. If you don’t have access to your record online, please request this in your online account or ask our reception team for help, ideally after 2 pm.
- If you don’t have online access then please visit the online services page for information on how to get it set up.
Please note that the results of tests carried out during hospital visits are not sent to the practice and you will need to contact your hospital doctor.
Why have I been asked to have a repeat test?
If a doctor asks you to have a repeat test, it is usually because:
- The result was borderline or unclear, and the doctor wants another sample to monitor the situation or to re-check the results.
- The result is abnormal, and the doctor cannot interpret the result without further tests and has asked you to come in for more tests.
Please do not worry if the doctor has asked you for a repeat test. The doctor will speak to you or request to see you directly if they need to discuss the results.
Understanding your Blood Test Results
Your GP record is written to help medical staff look after you. This means that sometimes you may not understand everything you see. We have shared this information to help patients understand their test results, but if you have any further questions please speak to a member of our team.
It is important to learn what’s ‘normal for you’, this is particularly important if you have a long-term illness, as your results may be different to other people’s.
Significant things to consider about your results:
- A test result outside the range may not indicate a problem, these are just reference ranges.
- Equally, if all results are within the reference range, this does not completely guarantee there isn’t a concern.
- Not all results are returned to us at the same time, we may be waiting for further results before contacting you.
- Comments may have been added automatically by a laboratory computer or by a laboratory scientist or doctor. Generally, comments are written for the doctor requesting the test rather than the patient, and so they may not be very meaningful to you.
- It is important to follow the advice of your doctor or other healthcare professional. Always look out for our comments attached to results. Often these have critical information about the test and how to interpret the result. We have included below an explanation of some of the comments you may commonly see on your results.
Where are the reference ranges (normal ranges) for tests?
What does it mean if my result is outside the reference range?
If my results are normal, does that mean I have nothing to worry about?
If my result is abnormal, does that mean I have a problem with my health?
I have had a blood test or dropped a sample at the practice, but what happens now?
– If your result needs urgent action we will contact you by phone to discuss what action needs to be taken.
– If your result needs action, but not urgently, we will contact you within an appropriate timescale to explain what action needs to be taken.
– If your result is normal, or if the doctor has some information for you following your test we may send this by text message.
– We aim to inform you of all results, but due to the volume we receive, if no action is required the practice will not contact you but you are free to check your results on the NHS App or contact the practice to get your result.
– If you need to discuss your result with a doctor or nurse, please ask the receptionist to take a message for the doctor or nurse. They will either telephone you or you will be asked to make an appointment to see them.
Why does the result take so long?
The doctor would like to speak to you to explain the result(s). The doctor may ask for this to be in person or by telephone. They may recommend you see the nurse or our Physician Associate.
Ask patient to repeat test
Small fluctuations in test results are common and slightly abnormal results usually return to normal without the need for treatment. The GP would like to check your result has returned to normal or remained stable. We will tell you how long you should wait before rechecking your blood test.
Discussed with patient or Patient informed
The doctor has already discussed this result with you.
Seen and dealt with
The doctor has already seen you and has dealt with any issues that arose.
Has appointment to discuss
You already have an appointment booked with the doctor, during which they will discuss the results with you. There is no need to contact us before then as the result is not urgent.
Just out of range-OK
This means that the doctor has looked at the result and deemed it to be just outside of the normal range and the result is not concerning and is OK for you.
Normal- no action
This means that the doctor has looked at the result and deemed it to be within the normal and no further investigation or treatment is needed.
This means that the doctor has looked at the result and deemed it to be just outside of the normal range and the result is not concerning. No further investigation or treatment is needed.
The doctor has looked at the result and deemed them stable and the result is not concerning. We will continue to monitor and the doctor will tell you if you need a repeat test in the future.
On correct treatment
The doctor started you on a medicine and the results of your test show this is the correct treatment. There is no reason to change current treatment according to test results.
Inadequate specimen
Unfortunately very occasionally samples are lost or damaged. Sometimes there is a delay in samples reaching the laboratory which can affect the quality of the specimen making it unusable. On other occasions an incorrect bottle or label may have been used. Occasionally an incorrect test is requested in which case a repeat may not be needed. The doctor will usually ask you to repeat the test.
Referred to practice pharmacist
Our practice pharmacist will contact you to discuss the result. This is usually because your result has indicated we should make changes to your medications or start a new medicine.
Links to Patient Guides
Sites to help you understand specific test results:
Guides to use the NHS App: