Saturday Surgeries stopping from April 2024
The practice has sent a text to all patients informing them that Saturday Surgeries will not continue from April 2024 due to funding stopping.
We have received communication from the ICB regarding Saturday Surgeries stopping from April 2024 which can be read below.
As you will all be aware, the funding of Saturday morning appointments through the local enhanced service contract was never agreed to be in perpetuity. The agreement with the PCN CDs at the beginning of 2023/24 was that this funding would cease from April 2024 and be utilised for the access specification that was to be incorporated into the NW London single offer. You will also be aware that the position has changed in relation to including this in the single offer contract for April and there has been agreement that same day access services will be developed over the coming year with PCNs being able to utilise the access monies this year to develop their offer. It is this money that is currently funding the Saturday morning services.
I need to make it clear that the NW London has not withdrawn funding for Saturday morning appointments. This was only ever additional time limited funding and agreed with PCN CDs to support the PCNs in 2023/24 while the NWL wide specification for Same Day Access has been developed. It is also the case that the PCN is continuing to deliver enhanced access services on Saturday’s via Holly Road.
Practices are perfectly able to continue to offer Saturday morning services should they wish to fund these. However, the short term funding used to continue the services during 2023/24 will not be available for this as it will be used to support same day access provision.