Non-NHS Fees

If you request work that is not provided for under the terms of the NHS Primary Care Services contract, your GP may be happy to undertake such work for you, but, as this is a private service, you will incur a charge for completion of your request and on some occasions, they may refuse to action the request. Our priority is NHS work. Non-NHS work is charged in line with British Medical Association Guidelines and MASTA travel. We review our fees annually in line with recommendations made by the BMA & MASTA.

Please email us with your request or post a letter in our post box detailing your requirement, including any forms, into the practice. Our staff will contact you BEFORE the work is done to confirm that your GP is able to do the work requested and inform you of the charge payable.

If you wish to proceed, we will usually commit to complete the work that you have requested within 20 working days from date of payment. Should this not be possible, for example due to GP holidays or requests for a larger than normal piece of work, our staff will inform you when they contact you as above.

As soon as your GP has completed your request, you will be contacted, and we will arrange for it to be sent via a secure encrypted email, please see link on how to access.

Accessing Encrypted Emails Guide for non-NHSmail users.

Please note that we can accept payment by Card payments and bank transfers. Payment for most services will be required in advance. Any questions regarding payment please ask to speak to Manpreet Kaur.

Please do not keep calling and e mailing the practice unless your request has been over the 20 working days we require to complete your task. Our practice is receiving high volumes of calls and we want to ensure patients who are unwell are able to access us when needed.